
Student Excellence Awards

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The annual Student Excellence Awards program recognises and rewards student excellence across a range of Unit topics.

The Award gives recognition to students who have demonstrated excellence in their performance during the period of consideration, whilst undertaking any of the postgraduate programs, the Graduate Certificate of Pavement Technology, the Master of Pavement Technology, and the Bachelor of Engineering (Professional Honours) "Road Engineering and Construction".

Each award on ofer is to recognise outstanding performance in Units of study from Semester 1 and 2. 

CPEE is committed to educational programs that provide graduates with a good fit to employment requirements in the road industry. The model on which CPEE programs are based supports student engagement with CPEE teaching and support staff, work colleagues and the broader community. CPEE encourages and recognises students who have performed academically at an outstanding level in its programs.

  • Nominations and selection Panel

    Selection and nominations for the Student Excellence Awards will be made by a panel consisting of the specific Unit Chair (CPEE Academic), CPEE CEO/Senior Staff and a nominated representative of the sponsor, using the criteria herein.

    Selection and nomination will be undertaken in the week following finalisation of second semester marks and the panel established by the CPEE Academic Board shall review and determine the award winners.

  • Criteria for Eligibility

    Student who satisfy either or both the following will automatically be eligable and assessed.

    Student with the highest marks in their eligible unit, provided they are at least "distinction" grade level. Student showing excellence in development in their eligible unit provided they are at least "credit" grade level and have shown compelling commitment and outcome, supported in writing by the relevant unit chair.

    Note: All eligible students will be automatically considered therefore no entry form is required.

  • AWARDS - Applicable Unit

    The provision of an Award will be subject to commitment by a "unit" sponsorship of that Award.

    Awards shall be presented early in the following Academic year , based on completions in the years' Semesters. If the unit is staged in both Semesters, then all students combined are eligible. Awards will consist of a formal Certificate from CPEE and Sponsor entity, together with a monetary amount in the order of $500.00 per unit. The Awards may be formally presented at an appropriate function/event of the sponsor where this is possible. 

    For the 2017 Academic year, the following units have sponsorship and thus are units from which students will be assessed: 2017 Excellence Award Units and Sponsors:

    • Road Pavement Design – MinCad Systems
    • Pavement Construction – AAPA
    • Road & Pavement Surfacings – AAPA
    • Road & Pavement Maintenance – Roads Australia
    • Fundamentals of Roads and Pavements – Austroads
    • Road Construction & Drainage Principles – Austroads
    • Pavement Renewal – Rehabilitation & Reconstruction – Austroads
    • Pavement Management Systems & Performance – Roads Australia
    • Road Asset Management – Roads Australia Awards Sponsors

Teaching Awards

The CPEE Annual Excellence in Teaching Award gives recognition to academic staff (Unit Chairs) who have demonstrated excellence in teaching. CPEE is committed to programs that provide graduates with a good fit to employment requirements in the road industry and strongly supports excellence of teaching.This Award is one way to recognise those academics that have proven an excellence in their contribution to enhancing the student learning experience.
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