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Term Definition
Academic Integrity

Academic integrity refers to the upholding of ethical standards in all aspects of academic work including learning teaching and research. It involves acting with the principles of honesty fairness trust and responsibility and requires respect for knowledge and its development.

Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct is any action or attempted action that may result in creating an unfair academic advantage for oneself or an unfair academic advantage or disadvantage for any other member or members of the academic community.
Academic Progress
Students enrolled in coursework awards with CPEE are expected to maintain satisfactory results.
Academic Requirement
A requirement placed on a unit that determines whether enrolment may be permitted. It may be a pre-requisite co-requisite or incompatibility.
Academic Standing
An indication of a student?s current progress toward completion of a program.
Academic Statement
An unofficial record of a student's academic history. It includes details of the program enrolled units results academic standing advanced standing and awards obtained at CPEE.
Academic Transcript
An official document issued by CPEE as a record of all completed units and results throughout enrolment at CPEE. Transcripts are issued 'without correction or erasure' which means that all units including 'Withdrawn deemed failed' 'Withdrawn without Academic Penalty' results are included. A transcript will include the results for all award(s) completed through the provider. Both percentage marks and grades will generally appear on your transcript.
Academic Year
The academic year refers to the CPEE academic calendar. The academic year is divided into semesters during which programs are conducted.
Accreditation is the process for approval by an accrediting authority of a program of learning using quality assurance standards. Accreditation may be for recognition of a program of learning as an AQF qualification or by professional bodies for the purpose of professional registration leading to practice in a particular field.
Entry to an award program or non-award study granted to an applicant following assessment of their application.
Advanced Standing
A status that reflects that a student's progression through their program has been advanced as a result of the granting of credit for prior learning. The granting of credit results in the reduction of the amount of learning required to achieve a qualification. The prior learning for which credit is granted may be formal non-formal or informal / workplace learning. The credit granted may be specified or unspecified.
The way in which certain curriculum elements learning outcomes teaching and learning activities and assessment are interdependent. Implementation of a successfully aligned curriculum ensures that students are taught the material they need to know to complete the tasks set for (summative) assessment. The assessment strategy is designed to provide the teacher with the evidence they need to make an informed judgment about how well students have achieved the stated learning outcome.
Annual Financial Statements
The Annual Financial Statements are the complete set of official and formal Financial Statements for CPEE as a complete entity.
AQF Qualification
An AQF qualification is the result of an accredited complete program of learning that leads to formal certification that a graduate has achieved learning outcomes as described in the AQF.
Articulated Programs
A defined sequence of programs in which the courses and requirements for completion of earlier programs in the sequence are a subset of subsequent programs in the sequence and full credit is granted for courses completed in earlier programs in the sequence.