2023 IPWEA International Asset Management Congress
It has been a busy time for CPEE, preparing for the end of semester for our Post Graduate students and our first co-hort of Graduate Certificate in Asset Management will graduate, as well as attending industry and government briefings, conferences and short courses.
2023 IPWEA International Asset Management Congress
CPEE attended the 2023 IPWEA International Asset Management Congress where more than 300 colleagues across local governments in Australia and overseas, academia and industry caught up about the challenges, innovation and leading approaches to address asset management.
CPEE Council members, staff and academics attended the Congress and made presentations. CPEE’s Graduate Certificate in Asset Management (GCAM) was developed with the support of the Asset Management Council (AMC), and their board members also made presentations. The GCAM also utilises IPWEA’s International Infrastructure Management Manual (IIMM) as a reference for our students.
CPEE’s Academic Advisor Emeritus Prof Frank Bullen advises CPEE offers postgraduate pathways for holders of the IPWEA Professional Certificate in Asset Management Planning and the Professional Certificate in Infrastructure Financial Management via recognition of prior non-formal learning. IPWEA qualification holders who have a cognate qualification of at least AQF Level 6 (Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree), plus have IPWEA qualifications, plus have relevant professional work experience can apply for academic credit in the CPEE Graduate Certificate in Asset Management.
At the end of the conference, there was a site visit to Tweed Shire Council to see how they had managed flood recovery and put in place more resilient builds to future proof against future events. Thanks to Jacqui Hansen (from IPWEA and also academic for GCAM) and Tim Mackney Manager Infrastructure Delivery at Twees Shire Council & IPWEA NSW & ACT Board Director for hosting the outstanding site visit.