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Term Definition
A loan scheme to help eligible non-Commonwealth supported students pay their domestic tuition fees (DTF). Australian citizens and holders of a permanent humanitarian visa are eligible for FEE-HELP assistance.
Feedback on Assessment
Written or spoken comments provided by Unit Chairs lecturers tutors or software for students about formative or summative assessment tasks that give students guidance about to perform future tasks more successfully and/or explain marks and grades they have been given for tasks already completed.
Formal Learning
Learning that takes place through a structured program of study that is delivered by education or training providers and which leads to the full or partial achievement of an officially accredited qualification.
Formative Assessment
Any learning activity that will assist the teacher to identify deficiencies in student learning to date; design future learning tasks to address the deficiencies and provide students with feedback that will assist them to improve their performance in summative assessment activities. Formative assessment may be marked but will not normally contribute substantially to the final mark for the unit.
Formative Feedback
Formative feedback is any commentary on student work that is designed to assist students to improve current or future learning.
Further Assessment
An oral written or practical piece of assessment required from a student in addition to normal assessment for a course to ensure that the academic performance of the student in that course is adequately and fairly assessed