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Term Definition
Higher Education Contribution Scheme?Higher Education Loan Program that includes up-front payment discounts and loans to assist eligible Commonwealth supported students pay their student contribution amounts.
Higher Education Loan Program which allows students to borrow from the Government to pay their tuition fees. See HECS-HELP FEE-HELP OS-HELP or SA-HELP.
Higher Education Support Act 2003.
Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS)
Students who did not pay tuition fees prior to 2005 were required to contribution towards the cost of their education under the HECS. HECS liability was derived by calculating the proportion of a full-time load a student was undertaking and was assessed at the Census Date in each semester.
Higher Education Loan Program
A loan program to assist eligible students pay student contribution amounts (HECS-HELP) tuition fees (FEE-HELP) and overseas study expenses (OS-HELP).
Higher Education Provider
Universities and higher education institutions listed in subdivision 16-B of HESA and providers as determined by the Minister under section 16-35 of HESA and supported by the definition in the Provider Category Standards in TEQSA.