This unit provides an introduction to the types of research and how any research is underpinned by a understanding of the contemporary international literature. It provides the opportunity for students to develop a research proposal. The proposal will subsequently be used in the Unit 630 Industry Research, where students will undertake research that will form part of a foundation for future learning and professional development. It will require students to think critically about developing a research question, hypothesis and objectives, which are supported by an initial investigative literature survey that establishes their proposal’s research niche. The unit will typically require the application of students’ skills and knowledge acquired through previously completed studies in the Master of Pavement Technology plus industry, work based skills.
Credit Points
Unit Duration
One semester
Unit Topics
Topic 1
Provides an introduction to quantitative and qualitive research.
Topic 2
Developing a research topic, which is underpinned by a research question/hypothesis.
Topic 3
The role of an investigative literature review to support the development of a research proposal within a national/international context.
Topic 4
Designing the methodology to execute the research in sufficient detail and referenced to establish that the research methods are adequate to fulfil the stated aim of the project.
Topic 5
Creation of the initial research plan/schedule for the different phases of a research project, which will be further developed in Unit 630 and used to monitor the research progress.
Topic Proposal
The Industry Research Unit develops a candidate’s research skills through their advanced and integrated understanding of a complex body of knowledge by undertaking challenging research within the workplace. The topic approval process is designed to assist candidates to choose a topic that poses a research question, meets the criteria for investigation and to develop the methodology to execute the research.